The spray tanning, without UV rays, is the new tanning method from United States which allows to get a natural tanning in few minutes and in every season. Prima-e-dopo2 Tin-up è un sistema per avere un’abbronzatura naturale ed uniforme sia sul viso che sul corpo in qualsiasi periodo dell’anno. La soluzione autoabbronzante, nebulizzata con l’apposito erogatore, lascia la vostra pelle morbida e vellutata donandole uno splendido colorito dorato come quello che otterreste al sole dei Caraibi.


The lotion used in the spray-tanning field is made of DHA. The DHA is a sugar cane natural extract which darkens the keratin available on the superficial layer of the skin allowing to obtain a look completely similar to the natural tanning one, without any side effect for your skin. The obtained color will last from 3 to 7 days max, till completely disappear. The lotion naturally acts producing melanoidines, substances that color your skin without producing melanine; it is therefore suitable to all the people allergic to sunshine, who are afraid of skin stain and aging or simply want to quickly recover the time spent in office and not on the seaside.
It has no contraindication, instead, being rich of a moisturizing coconut derivate, it can effectively nurture your skin.
The tanning principles work within 3-4 hours till 6 hours after the application. During this lapse of time it is therefore advisable to avoid water sports, intense sweating exercises, shower and beauty treatments. FigureAtin-up


Power supply: rechargeable by adaptor included in the package
Recharging time: 4-5 hours approximately
The tanning lotion is available in two versions:
BRONZE for light skin types (phototype 1 – 2)
EXTRADARK for darker skin types (phototype 3 – 4)

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